Revolution in Color : 顛倒黑白

Revolution in Color : 顛倒黑白

HUMA and Ricker Choi present "Revolution in Color: 顛倒黑白", an art exhibition about the human rights violations against people of Hong Kong.

By HUMA and Ricker Choi


Near Don Mills Subway Station, Toronto - exact address is in your e-Ticket under Event Information

Near Don Mills Subway Station Toronto, ON M2J 5G9 Canada


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 1

This session will include artist talk and a short music performance

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Session 2

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Session 3

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Session 4

This session will include artist talk and a short music performance

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Session 5

About this event

在2023年5月13日(星期六)HUMA與Ricker Choi聯合舉辦《Revolution in Color:顛倒黑白》藝術展覽,呈現五位駐多倫多香港藝術家的作品。隨著中共持續打壓香港的自由,不少港人別無選擇,只能在西方世界追求自由夢。

May 13, 2023 (Saturday), HUMA and Ricker Choi present "Revolution in Color: 顛倒黑白", an art exhibition featuring works by five Toronto-based Hongkonger artists. As the Chinese Communist Party continues to oppress the freedom of Hong Kong, many Hongkongers are left with no choice but to pursue their dreams of freedom in the Western world.

五位參展藝術家包括:HUMA、Ricker Choi、Fiona Yellow、Planet Sponge 和 RockFrogger。五位雖已移居異鄉,卻仍心繫香港,創作有關香港人人權被侵犯的作品。

These five artists continue to create works about the human rights violations against Hong Kong people. The exhibition will feature works by HUMA, Ricker Choi, Fiona Yellow, Planet Sponge, and RockFrogger.


Art prints will be sold at the event, and the proceeds will be donated to Bonham Tree Aid ( entirely.


Date: May 13, 2023 (Saturday)


Time: 11 am to 4 pm. Please register for a 1-hour time slot. Two of the hourly sessions will include an artist talk and a short music performance.

門票:免費入場。 由於人數限制,展覽只限持票人士入場,請務必預先登記

Ticket: Free admission. Registration is required due to capacity limit. Only those with E-Ticket will be admitted.

位置:鄰近Don Mills地鐵站,具體位置將在登記入場的詳情中提供。

Location: Close to Don Mills subway station. The exact location will be provided upon registration.

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Sales Ended